October Meeting Minutes

October 2018 meeting minutes
The October meeting was hosted at the home of Harold Patterson on October 13, 2018.
Harold prepared delicious ribs for the club, members pitched in the rest of the meal, complete with yummy desserts.
Joe Hochderffer brought the meeting to order at 16:57. He thanked Harold for hosting the meeting, cooking great ribs and inviting the club to stay after the meeting to enjoy a bonfire.  Thank you
Harold, it was great!  Harold was invited to share with the club stories about his beautiful property,
Motorcycling and his accomplishments after a successful recovery from Open Heart Surgery.
New business discussed:
November meeting will be hosted by Joe and Kelly Hochderffer, details to come soon.
Awards banquet will be at Primo on February 16, 2019.
We want to wish safe travels for our “Snow birds” and we will see you in the Spring.
 Wayne Garrison spoke of the Swap meet at the dealership.
Joe reminded club members that membership dues and Board member elections are coming up soon, more details to come in upcoming meetings.
Joe thanked Harold for hosting and adjourned the meeting at 17:13. 
26 in attendance
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Hochderffer 10/15/18.