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December Monthly Meeting Minutes

Monthly meeting minutes

December 2019

The December meeting was hosted by Archey and Theresia Shearer in their home on December 7, 2019.

The club provided turkey and ham.  Members brought in a variety of delicious side dishes and desserts.  We know how to cook and ride great motorcycles! 

Joe Hochderffer brought the meeting to order at 7:15pm by thanking our hosts, the Shearers.

We did not have any new members present.

Next meeting is being hosted by Margie Ledgerwood at her home on January 25, 2019 at 1:00pm.

Joe reminds members that the Board of Directors has two open seats.  Jim Thatcher (who is standing in for Andy Clark) and Richard Snodgrass terms are ending.

Joe is requesting a Board meeting 30 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled 1:00pm meeting.

If anyone is interested in hosting a meeting in 2020 please let Joe know.

The Mileage Award Banquet is February 15, 2020. Cocktail hour to start at 6:00pm and Dinner at 7:00pm. Cost is $35.00 per person.  Joe is accepting pictures in either an email or thumb drive so that we can enjoy them at the Banquet.

Annual membership renewals are due by the end of December 2019.  Dues are $25.00 per household, and if paid by the end of the year your name will be entered into the prize drawing.

Pete Mikolaitis has been named Regional Manager for the MOA.  Michael “Rock” Shannon speaks to group about growing pains with BMW and changes within the MOA.  Ted Moyer (MOA Executive Director) is looking into the future to help the growth of the MOA.  The MOA currently has 25,000 members.

Joe adjourned the meeting and we started opening presents.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Minutes respectfully submitted, Kelly Hochderffer 12/22/19.

Club Christmas Party reminder Saturday Dec 7

The December club meeting/Christmas party will be on Saturday, December 7 at the home of Archey and Theresia Shearer starting at 5 pm.   Their address is 7594 Brickmaker Ct, in Plainfield, 46168.  As with most meetings, the club is providing the main course (ham and turkey) and beverages, but attendees are asked to bring a side dish to share. This event is normally very well attended so we ask that you plan to bring side dishes that will serve approximately 10 people.  

For our newer members, the club has a white elephant gift exchange at this party.  Each individual who brings a small white elephant gift can participate in the gift exchange. If you bring one, you’ll get to pick one.  Participation in the gift exchange is completely voluntary.  The gifts can be useful or not.

Please go to the website and the calendar and click on the Christmas Party and register for attendance head count.