March 2022 Meeting Minutes

Monthly BMW meeting
March 26, 2022
Tom Wood BMW Motorcycle

Joe Hochderffer called his last meeting as President to order at 1:00pm at the new
Tom Wood BMW motorcycle showroom on 96th St. Indianapolis. He thanked Tom Wood and all the associates who contributed to the build and set up of the new showroom housing a great selection of BMW motorcycles and merchandise. The club members wish the best success towards this new endeavor.

He asked if all members could stand and introduce themselves. Welcome.
The April meeting is being hosted by Chris Clardy, details to come.

Joe thanked the group about their participation in Photo Tag.

Joe then asked Wayne to speak to the group about future Rally sites and details concerning The European Riders Rally coming up in May.

Rich Nathan is introduced as our new club President. Rich conducted the voting of 3 new Board member seats. The nominees are Brian Findlay, Jay Zach, Richard Snodgress, Sam Beery.

Club members shared conversation regarding Joe’s last meeting as President and thanking him for leading the club through the rough last couple of years.

Joe wrapped up the meeting by reminding the members to welcome their new President

Rich Nathan and that the April meeting is hosted by Chris Clardy.

Jay Zach, Richard Snodgress and Sam Beery are our new 2022 Board members, congratulations and thank you for your continued dedication to the club. Richard Snodgress is replacing Rich Nathan’s board vacancy.

We wish you the best of luck to Joe and thank you from all the club members.

Minutes respectfully submitted, Kelly H. 3/26/2022