Monthly Archives: January 2019
Club meeting Saturday 26th 1:00 pm
Hello all. Currently we have 20 RSVPs. Picking up the meat tonight in preparation for the meeting Saturday. Please take a moment to make sure you have RSVPd as a head count is helpful when everyone is planning their sides as well as the host with the entree. Thanks and hope to see you Saturday.
2019 Indy BMW Club Annual Awards Banquet
Hello fellow club members,
I just wanted to take time to remind everyone about the 2019 Indy BMW Club Annual Awards Banquet. If you remember, last year was our first time at the Primo South Banquet and Conference Center. The facility turned out to be a great, centralized location for members, tasty dinner with trimmings, mini deserts (full-sized deserts this year!) presentation of pictures and video of members being members. Another great thing was door prizes, I think almost everyone left a winner! Congratulations to all of the +10,000-mile award winners with Tom Brentlinger being the top mileage winner.
I am more excited about this year’s banquet as well, lots of fun and always great to see friends and catch up. There is still a need for door prizes so if you frequent a restaurant or business see if you can get a donation of a gift certificate or item to be used as a door prize. I look forward to seeing everyone there,
February 16, 2019, Cocktails at 6:00 and Dinner at 7:00.
Primo South Banquet & Conference Center 2615 National Avenue Indianapolis, IN. 46227
Banquet cost is $35.00 per person. You can pay with check or PayPal. Checks should be sent to Theresia Shearer: 7594 Brickmaker Court Plainfield, IN 46168
For more information, contact Margie Ledgerwood at 317-627-8375. Deadline for reservations is February 1st.
President Joe
Any questions or concerns
This Saturdays meeting is postponed. New date is Saturday 26th at 1PM
Resending due to some members not getting the previous notice.
Hello All,
After listening to the weather reports for Saturday, January 19, 2019 I have asked Margie if it is possible to postpone Saturday’s meeting due to the early weather forecast for the weekend. Margie was gracious enough to move the meeting to Saturday, January 26, 2019 12:00 noon for board meeting and 1:00 p.m. for the club meeting.
The menu is still Italian beef sandwiches also the club will be voting for 2 board members and planning the 2019 calendar of events. If you have pictures or videos for the banquet I will have my computer so please bring a thumb drive or removable memory loaded with your stuff for the banquet.
*******Please stay safe in the snow*******
Joe Hochderffer