Helpful hints when traveling on a motorcycle.


I would like to start a post about helpful hints when traveling on a motorcycle.

I would hope that other members would respond with their own hints, one at a time.

I tried this a few years ago, and sent out one of mine as a starter, someone (one person) replied with about 20.
Well that shot down the interactions, of members.
So here we go again.

When traveling and the shirt you are planning to put on is wrinkled, if it matters.

After you take a shower place the damp towel on a flat surface, place the wrinkled shirt on the towel and smooth out the shirt.

Fold the remainder of the towel over the shirt, in about 5 or so minutes the shirt should be smoothed out.

One thought on “Helpful hints when traveling on a motorcycle.

  1. Steve Burford

    Great idea Wayne. Got another suggestion….you can’t pack all the clothes you’ll need for an extended motorcycle trip on the bike. We use Goodwill or Salvation Army centers. Wear your old jeans & shirts a few days. Stop at a center and select new coverings, use their fitting rooms to change out the items after you pay for them, then donate your old clothing back to them.

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