Daily Archives: March 22, 2016

March 2016 Monthly Meeting Minutes

The BMW Club of Indianapolis held its monthly meeting at the home of Terry and Lew Mumford on March 20, 2016.

Homemade chili was served along with many fine dishes contributed by the over 25 attendees.

After lunch, President Margie Ledgerwood called the meeting to order. Margie and Jack Borsos briefed the attendees on the progress of his grandson, Darius, and thanked those who have participated in the fund raising process supporting his recovery.

The attendees were informed that the Board of Directors will meet at Shapiro’s on Saturday, March 26 to consider the proposed annual budget and other pertinent matters.

Margie reported that the calendar is open for April, September, and November monthly meetings, and invited members to volunteer to host. She advised a meeting may be arranged at sites other than your home.

Members were reminded that the Spring Paynetown Campout is scheduled for May 13-15. Registration for the event may be made on the club’s web site.

Margie advised that Rich Nathan is seeking volunteers to work a triathlon on May 21 or 22, which conflicts with the Burkesville Rally.

If you are willing to help with that event, please contact Rich. (contact information in website’s Membership Directory)

It was also announced that Andy Clark will act as administrator for the 2016 photo tag game.

Vice President Wayne Garrison reminded the attendees to consider and vote on proposals for the Club’s logo. The deadline to vote on the website is March 25.

There was general discussion about arranging for embroidery of the logo on member’s garments.

President Ledgerwood thanked the Mumfords for hosting and adjourned the meeting.


Bob Conley, Secretary