January Monthly
The January meeting was hosted by Margie Ledgerwood at her home on January 25, 2020 at 2:00pm. The club provided Italian Beef and members brought side
dishes and desserts to complete the meal.
Joe Hochderffer brought the meeting to order at 2:03pm by thanking the hostess. We did not have Any new members present.
Joe informed the club that he
graciously accepted the Presidency for the term of 2020.
Next meeting is being held at Primo South in February 15, 2020, cocktails to start at 6:00pm and dinner To follow at 7:00pm.
Tickets can be purchased on the website or contact Theresia Schearer.
Peter Mikolaitis has been appointed as the MOA Regional Coordinator, one of his duties is to aid in the Relations between the Tom Wood dealership and Indianapolis BMW motorcycle club. He spoke of MOA Memberships and training school opportunities, dealership location on 96th Street and the plans for start Of motorcycle sales and service.
Joe reminds group to look at website calendar for future dates of Rally’s and events.
The club members unanimously
voted in 2 new Board members, Wayne Garrison and Rich Nathan.
Thank you to Jim Thatcher for
Andy Clark and Richard Snodgress for your service.
Webb Bernhardt is our new Vice President. Thank you for all of your individual help and service towards The club’s success.
Joe adjourned the meeting at2:35
by thanking Margie for her hospitality and Italian Beef cooking skills.
27 Attendees
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Hochderffer 01/25/2020