7594 Brickmaker Ct
Plainfield, IN 46168
The December club meeting/Christmas party will be on Saturday, December 1 at the home of Archey and Theresia Shearer from 5 pm to 9 pm. Their address is 7594 Brickmaker Ct, in Plainfield. As with most meetings, the club is providing the meat and beverages, but attendees are asked to bring a side dish. This event is normally very well attended so we ask that you plan to bring side dishes that will easily serve approximately 10 people. We’ll have the (in)famous white elephant gift exchange so don’t forget that useless gift you want to re-home.
For our newer members, the club has a white elephant gift exchange at this party. Each individual who brings a small white elephant gift can participate in the gift exchange. Participation in the gift exchange is completely voluntary. The gifts can be useful or not.
Be sure and let Archey and Theresia Shearer know you are coming by RSVPing below. If you know what pitch-in you would like to bring let Theresia know (shearer.friends@gmail.com) so the committee can fill in the gaps!
Total Registered for the December Party: 44
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Is there really 110 members that have RSVP’d for the party?
What about posting a list of members and/ or the sides they’ll be bringing? I have a couple of ideas of what I want to bring but someone else may already be bringing the same dish.