2353 East Perry Road
Plainfield, IN 46168
Cocktail hour (cash bar) is 6:00pm with dinner at 7:00pm.
Banquet cost is $35.00 per person. You can pay with check or PayPal. Checks should be sent to Theresia Shearer:
7594 Brickmaker Court
Plainfield, IN 46168
For more information, contact Margie Ledgerwood at 317-627-8375. Deadline for reservations is February 1st.
Whether you pay by check or by credit card, please register for attendance and for paying in the dues renewal and banquet registration form found here. You can pay for your dues and banquet at the same time and register for the banquet all on this form. If you pay for your dues and at a later time you decide to go to the banquet, just go back to the form and bypass the dues section. You must be logged in to use the form.