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2019 November Monthly Meeting @ Roselli’s Pizza

2019 November Monthly Meeting @ Roselli’s Pizza  Nov 9 @ 1:00 pm Kelly and Joe will be hosting the November club meeting on Saturday the 9th, 1:00 PM, at Roselli’s Pizza, in Carmel.  The restaurant is in a strip mall just southeast of the intersection of W. 106th and Michigan Rd.  (US421)Please register your attendance below so they can make appropriate reservations.  4335 W 106th St # 100, Carmel, IN 46032

If you plan to attend this meeting please log on the club website and sign up.

This information is needed to plan for a head count. This has always been a great place to eat.

October Monthly Meeting

October Monthly Meeting

Joe Hochderffer called the meeting to order at 5:13pm on Saturday, October 12, 2019.

He thanked Harold Patterson for hosting the meeting and providing Brats for our meal.

Joe welcomed Roger Reynolds to the club.  Roger has been joining us at Shapiro’s for

Breakfast and we hope to see more of him at future events, welcome Roger.

Next meeting is being hosted by Joe and Kelly Hochderffer on Saturday, 11/9/2019 at

Roselli’s Pizza at 1:00pm.

New business discussed:

Our club Christmas party is hosted by Archey and Theresia Shearer on 12/7/2019 at 5:00pm.

Please bring a side dish and don’t forget to bring a white elephant gift!  Please register on the website.

Joe has reserved the Primo South location for the annual club banquet.  The banquet will be

 February 15, 2020.  Tickets are $35.00 a person.

Joe reminded members that membership dues are $25.00 a household.

Wayne Garrison informed the group that he has collected the club memorabilia and asked if anyone knows where the original club banner is, it was hanging on the wall at the dealership. The banner is missing.  Please contact Wayne or Joe if you know where the banner is.

Jim Thatcher has graciously accepted the vacant seat on the Board of Directors.

As we look ahead to 2020, the club is looking for meeting hosts, contact Joe H. if you are interested.

Hosts are asked to provide a meeting site and a main entrée, which the club will reimburse the cost up to $125.00.

Barb Shelley is re cooperating at Westminster Village.  Dennis said that Barb is able to have visitors, please contact Dennis for details.

Joe adjourned the meeting at 5:37.

Respectfully submitted, Kelly Hochderffer 10/18/19.

2019 MOA Summer Mileage Contest End

The 2019 MOA Summer Mileage Contest End From is in the October issue of the MOA ON Magazine. Again this year the club will be sending the form in for you if you want.

The final date for the forms to be turned into the our club for group mailing will be Saturday November 9th. The final postmark date for the form to be mailed is November 15th.

Forms will be collected at Shapiro Deli. Additional forms are available at Shapiro’s. If you have any questions please contact me.

Wayne Garrison or at 317-201-4952

Side-stand Kill Switch and Field Jumper Repair

Last Saturday and today, I was the last person to leave Shapiro’s. My bike would not start.
A week ago and again today, when I started home my 2015 GSA would not start. I went through all the common problems such as side-stand down and in gear, etc. My mind wasn’t playing tricks–it should start but wouldn’t. I flipped the kickstand up and down a few times and it did start. When I got home today, I closely checked the side-stand kill switch and found it to be cracked. 

If you have to order such a switch be sure to give your dealer your VIN number. It turns out for my model motorcycle there were two styles of kill switches, one has wires coming out and the other takes a plug. Mine takes a plug and my dealer had one.

While I had the defective switch out, I decided to test a method of bypassing the kill switch in case you have an incident in the field. I happened to have some jumper wires used in electronics breadboarding and the prongs happened to be just the right size. Various Internet suggestions cut the wires with a knife and twist two of the three wires together to get you back home. If I need a field repair I would use my jumper wire and wrap the loop to the plug with electricians tape.

I am including three pictures showing the cracked case of the switch, the type of jumper I used and the position of the jumper in the plug. 

My bike only has 26k miles so I can recommend checking it regularly. Since a rock can crack the case and the switch costs $105 I may eventually fashion a shield for it.

The moral of this post is never be the last person to leave Shapiro’s.