Category Archives: Monthly Meeting

Skills practice at Racers Parts this Saturday

Here is a copy of an email sent out by Steve Wray concerning cone practice before the meeting this Saturday at Racer Parts Wholesale.

Racer Parts Wholesale
411 Dorman
Indianapolis, IN 46202

To all

The parking lot has been marked and ready to set up the cones in the morning. The cones and myself will be ready for anyone that would like to come out and try before the meeting.. from 9 till the meeting.  Also Wayne so graciously volunteered to help

Hope to see you there for some fun and to sharpen your skills a little


March meeting

I would like to THANK Mike and Mamie for hosting one of if not the best meeting I have had the pleaser to attend.

Mike and Mamie had invited some of their airplane friends to attend also, this allowed for plane rides after the meeting. There were a  number of members who took advantage of the opertunity.

Mike and Mamie are wonderfull people and have an awsome place.

Thanks again Mike and Mamie for a wonderfull time.


march meeting


Ok listen up

I / we have been to Mike and Mamie William’s place before, and it was a hoot for us.

Oh I left out Bevo, that is the dog, not just any dog, it is BEVO!

Be sure to mark your schedule to be at the March meeting (3-23-2013).

I just got off the phone with Mike, he and Mamie are planning on putting on a great spread.

And don’t forget the plane rides; just ask Judy, Jerry, Johnathon, and Peggy, some of them loops.

If you are any kind of tinkering guy, you will drool over Mike’s shop (shops).

Please REMEMBER to let them know if you are going to attend.

By the way the drive way doesn’t really look like a driveway, you could even count it as off road riding.