Category Archives: Monthly Meeting

Rick Nelson becomes a MOA Ambassador

Rick Nelson was surprised to receive the distinctive honor of MOA Ambassador from Wayne Garrison, also a MOA Ambassador. A large gathering of the club honored Rick at the RAM brewery and restaurant at 7:00 p.m. on May 9, 2014. President Mike Williams opened the meeting and turned the meeting over to Wayne who made the presentation to Rick.

Congratulations Rick!

Some pictures of the April 2014 meeting

No spectacular pictures..just some pictures I snapped of our April meeting

Great attendance, lots of motorcycles hanging out together

What a beauty!

april 14 meeting 22




Friday afternoon (the day before the meeting): a few bikes parked…
april 14 meeting 21



A “few” more bikes parked Saturday early afternoon…IMG-0612-1

april 14 meeting 14

The Urals got a lot of attention πŸ™‚april 14 meeting 20

Lots of bikes, with lots of people staring at them, talking about them, riding them ..april 14 meeting 15

A LOT of important (I am sure!) discussions around the bikes with a lot of serious faces..april 14 meeting 13

april 14 meeting 18

april 14 meeting 16



A lot of serious discussions away from the bikes as well.. (things like the quality and quantity of food at rallys; what there is to drink and who buys whom a drink at the next rally; all the important questions in life..)april 14 meeting 17

Beautiful bikes, and beautiful planesΒ april 14 meeting 12


After eating, it is time to listen to our new president and host of this meeting …april 14 meeting 10

new technology for note keeping πŸ™‚
april 14 meeting 8

Some members listening intently to the speech…(or dreaming about which bike to get next?)april 14 meeting 8


april 14 meeting 9


Eating AND listeningapril 14 meeting 6


Our club photographer caught on camera πŸ™‚IMG_0679


One of the mysteries of this meeting: “who is this WHITE dog?” ..kind of looks like that green/pink/orange (??) dog that shows up ..IMG_0735-1


the “host dog” guarding the property from all kind of threats… also the official “dune buggy” companion…Β april 14 meeting 7


Some more German engineering to stare at…april 14 meeting 19


Later that afternoon, most people went on rides, and everyone is slowly emptying the ‘parking lot’IMG_0694



Mike and Mamie: thank you for a great meeting and all your efforts! It was nice seeing so many people show up and seeing everyone again after a looooong snowy/icy winter!IMG_0690-1


It was nice seeing so many people again and meeting some new ones!



April meeting

I posted this for Mike Williams



Mamie and I have the 19th set for the April meeting. You can come early and camp Friday and stay Saturday night if you wish. We picked it late in the month to get closer to warm weather. Airplane rides will happen again this year and the possibility of a high energy aerobatic demonstration. Bring a chair if you can. We are trying for the same bill of fair as last year. Please check the club website for directions and rsvp.
Blue Skies Mike Williams