Category Archives: General

News that doesn’t fit other categories.

Awards Banquet Slide Show

Bob Conley is going to put together the slide show for the February Banquet again this year.

He needs to receive your photos by the end of January to include them in the show this year.

Please submit digital photos taken at rally’s, bike trips and club functions to Bob as e-mail attachments or on media such as CD’s or flash drives (which will be returned)
Those of you submitting numerous photos (more than five) or large files (megabyte range) are asked to please submit via media as Bob doesn’t have DSL capability at his address and uses a limited monthly data plan to receive files via the internet.  You can submit media to him Shapiro’s, the January monthly meeting or via U.S. Mail.
Bob’s e-mail address is:
Bob’s mailing address is: 2468 E. CR 300 S. Danville, IN 46122
Bob Conley
BMW motorcycle club of Indianapolis

January Club Presidential Election

In preparation for the January 2013 election of our Club President I was “ask” to chair the nomination committee.The committee consist of Peggy Rose, Judy Pearson, Bob Roudebush, Johnathon Fishburn, Wayne Garrison and (myself) Dennis Shelley.

Nominations are open for the Club’s President position until Dec. 10th, 2012. Anyone who would like to self nominate or nominate someone please email me at

If you are nominating someone make sure they are willing to except the nomination before you nominate them.

Margie has enjoyed, and would like to continue serving as our President.

A vote will be taken at the January Club meeting for the President position.

Wayne Garrison named MOA Ambassador

(Use the full-screen icon at the right side of the control bar to see the pictures in a larger size.)

Wayne Garrison was named MOA Ambassador at the November 3, 2012 Indianapolis BMW Club meeting held at Racer Parts Wholesale. Garrison was totally surprised by the announcement by club member Rick Nelson. Several club members commented that Wayne, for the first time in his life, seemed to be a loss for words.

The Ambassador designation is by vote of the board of directors of MOA. Congratulations to Wayne for this very distinctive national honor!

President Nomination Committee Volunteers

News Flash! There’s an election coming up. No, not that one, ours.

In preparation for the January election of the President position for The BMW Motorcycle Club of Indianapolis our current (and very willing to continue) President has “ask me” to form a nomination committee.

I’m looking for 2 additional EC members as well as 3 additional Club Members to volunteer to join me on the nominations committee for the President position.

As a committee we will oversee nomination(s) and see if anyone, other then our incumbent, is interested in being president. We will complete the nominations by end of December and present the nomination(s) for a Club vote at the January Meeting.

Please contact me at or 317-370-6712 if you are willing to volunteer.

Thanks in advance,

Dennis (Shelley)