Author Archives: Wayne Garrison


We have 17 members sighed up to attend the RA national at the Biltmore in Ashville NC. Be sure to remember that signing up on our web site does not get you regerstered for the rally. That can be done at

If you have never been to the Biltmore, this is the best way to do it.

It don’t get no better then hanging out with club members at a rally, OH did I leave out the part about the winery.

If anyone has any questions that I can help with just let me know.



Gary Lightfoot visits at Shapiro’s

2013_03_30_Gordon_Lightfoot_1877-0006There was a nice surprise today at breakfast, Gary Lightfoot an old time club member stopped by. It was nice to see him again.

Gary now lives in North Carolina.

Gary was high mileage rider for the club from 1988 to 1993, with a total of 167,245 miles in that time period.

March meeting

I would like to THANK Mike and Mamie for hosting one of if not the best meeting I have had the pleaser to attend.

Mike and Mamie had invited some of their airplane friends to attend also, this allowed for plane rides after the meeting. There were a  number of members who took advantage of the opertunity.

Mike and Mamie are wonderfull people and have an awsome place.

Thanks again Mike and Mamie for a wonderfull time.
