Author Archives: Wayne Garrison

Any more MOA mileage forms to be turned in?

MOA mileage forms need to be post marked by November 9th.

If anyone has a form that they want me to send in with the rest of the club form please contact me.

If you can not get it to me in time, be sure to get it post marked by the 9th.

I plan to mail what I have in on the 8th.

Contact me for how to get together.

Wayne Garrison 


BMW MOA National club is going to have a dues increase


The MOA National club is going to have a dues increase, going from the current price of $40.00 per year to $49.00 per year.

This increase is scheduled to takes effect January 1, 2018.

The column by the MOA President Wes Fitzer (page 10 – October issue) explains the reason for the increase.

He also mentions that the Board agreed to a grace period to allow members to renew at previous membership rate until January 1, 2018.

Renew online and use the coupon code BMWMOA9.

You can also extend your current membership to take advantage of these savings even if you are not up for renewal.

This option is only available to current BMW MOA members.

He also mentions that if you have any question the MOA Membership team is ready to help.


NOTICE ***** Mileage forms turn in relocated.

Mileage forms turn in relocated.


There has been some interest in still having a swap meet.

We are running out of weekends to have the swap meet.

This weekend 10-28-2017 is the meeting with Joe and Kelly.

The next weekend 11-4-2017 is the mileage form turn in at the shop, there is no space to have the swap meet at the shop due to construction.

The next weekend 11-11-2017 is the meeting at the Burfords.

We have asked Shapiro’s if we could use one of their lots to set up the swap meet, and they have agreed to let us use the lot north of their deli.

The plan is to move the mileage form turn in (11-4-2017) location to Shapiro’s north lot 10 W McCarty St, Indianapolis, IN 46225.

This lot is north across McCarty St from Shapiro’s.

The swap meet / mileage form turn in hours will be 11am to 2 pm. Saturday 11-4-2017.

Come early for coffee and conversation and breakfast, hang out for the swap meet and eat.


If you have any question please let me know

Wayne Garrison
