Author Archives: OldGuy

Audra and Danny in Grand Forks

Audra and Danny were a nice couple that Jim and Dom meet on their way to supper in Grand Forks, N.D. They were “tailgating” in their truck in the parking lot of our hotel. Audra said she did not have a picture of the two of them so I made one.

Dom at the Green Mill in Eau Claire, Wisc.

Dom ponders what to order at the Green Mill in Eau Claire. Dom wears his safety vest when riding–the kind with the reflective strips. At a rest stop in Wisconsin, another man got out of the car with his dog and ordered Dom to fetch water for the dog. Dom said incredulously,  “You want me to do that?” Words don’t do justice to the tone of Dom’s voice.

The man thought Dom worked at the rest stop. I will add that Dom was not next to his bike.