Author Archives: Joseph Hochderffer

June Meeting

Hello fellow club members,
I hope this post finds you well and enjoying this years riding season! This post is to inform you of the June club meeting. Greg Sickmeier has agreed to host the June meeting from Ray Skillman Classic Cars, from what I understand this is a private collection of classic cars and more, meaning lots of 4-wheel eye candy. The when is Saturday, June 9, 2018 from 3:00 pm. to 6:00 pm. The Where is Ray Skillman Classic Cars, 1280 US-31, Greenwood, IN 46142.  The main dish is pizza from Jockamo’s upper crust pizza. Please  bring a side dish such as salads or something to go with pizza or maybe dessert for the sweet tooth. If you desire an adult beverage, BYOB. Please bring chairs as well. Don’t forget to log into the website and RSVP for the meeting.  I look forward to seeing everyone there.
President Joe.

May Events

Hello fellow club members!
Upon looking at the schedule for May, there are several things going on such as May 11 to 13 Paynetown Campout, May 17 to 20 European Riders Rally and May 26 to 28 Memorial Day Weekend. WOW looks like a busy month to me. So I have decided not to have a meeting for the month of May. Please see this as an extra day to ride your motorcycle! Get out and splatter some bugs.
Also stay tuned for more information about the June meeting.
Ride Safe and Have Fun
Joe Hochderffer   


Hey! Go ahead and go out to the garage and jot down your starting mileage for the 2018 BMW MOA Summer/Annual Mileage Contest! This year I will be working with Wayne collecting mileage forms starting Saturday April 7, 2018 at NO BIG DEAL BREAKFAST at Shapiro’s Delicatessen. We will also be collecting forms on at the last chance for Indy club turn in Saturday April 28, 2018 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  at  Falcone BMW this will be the last chance as all of the forms will be mailed to the MOA Monday April 30, 2018 as all forms to be sent must be post marked no later than Tuesday May 1, 2018.
Thanks and best wishes,
Collections Department BMWMC of Indianapolis
Joe Hochderffer