Author Archives: Dallas Peak

US-36 “Shortest Route Indianapolis to Denver”

The Shortest Route Indianapolis to Denver

The Shortest Route Indianapolis to Denver

As some of you know, taking the advice of Indianapolis BMW Club members almost always works out well. Many spoke highly of  US-36 so I decided to give it a try on my recent trek to Colorado. This sign popped up along the way. Not at all sure how it got there. Maybe some club members placed it there?
[mapsmarker marker=”2″]

Nebraska Highway 2

En route to the MOA Rally in Oregon, Dominick LoDuca and I discovered a fun way to cross Nebraska via NE-2. We peeled off of I-80 in Grand Island. Highway 2 starts in Lincoln, but just parallels the interstate until Grand Island, where it takes off through the Sand Hills heading more or less towards Chadron. DSCN3679

Remembering the Club Motto. It’s mandatory that I mention a great little place to have breakfast in Grand Island. Sure, you could eat at Perkins, but who could pass up an opportunity to eat at …

Sin City Bar & Grill in Grand Island, Nebraska

Sin City Bar & Grill in Grand Island, Nebraska

Yes, Sin City! Anyone who’s stayed up way to early into the morning on Sunday after their Saturday night revelry knows this kind of joint. Downtown. Next to all the bars. That sort of place that serves a mean breakfast of the ‘reward yourself you survived the night before’. And we happened to be going by there on Sunday morning! Marriage made in heaven.

Hogback at the Sin City Bar & Grill

Hog belly at the Sin City Bar & Grill

That delectable goodness ladies and gentlemen is hog belly! And it’s amazing. As good as bacon can taste, and about 10 times better. Yes, it is mostly fat. Yesm it has calories–about 500 per 100gm’s. Dom and I had  heard of it, but until that day, we’d never had it before.  It’s good–real good. Anyway, back to the ride…


Nebraska 2 is a two lane with wide berms and generous sight lines afforded by the endless plains of mostly scrub vegetation–literally going on forever are endless small hills and very few minor curves. They say that with a few inches of rain less per year, this area could be desert. And the hills are just like sand dunes underneath.

We had little traffic and no trouble making good time the entire way. There are trains hauling mile long processions of cars going by the entire way.

Coal train running along side NE-2

Coal train running along side NE-2

After riding this road, I know that we have NO shortage of energy in this country!

Dom and Dallas at Carhenge

Dom and Dallas at Carhenge

And before you know it (272 miles), you’re at Carhenge. Yes, that’s right. It’s a must see. Located near Alliance, Nebraska. Built to the proportions of Stonehenge, there are 38 classic American automobiles in a 95 foot circle. Unique. That’s all I’ll say.

Northernmost section of NE-2 heading toward Crawford, Nebraska

Northernmost section of NE-2 heading toward Crawford, Nebraska

The last section before Crawford is the most scenic and enthralling part of the ride (remember, we are talking about Nebraska here, so don’t get your hopes too much!). This part goes through what’s ironically known as Nebraska National Forest.

From there we turned onto US-20 and headed for Wyoming.

GS Giant’s ADV RAid

OK. I look around our club gatherings and I see a lot of GS’s. So I thought I’d just pass along a little info of something cool.

As you are probably aware, the GS Giants are a group of folks who actually believe these incredible bikes can do more than hang out at Starbucks. They are built for off-pavement fun and enjoyment. So here goes.

If you’re going to the RA Rally be aware there will be Giant activities both before and during the event. If you want to join the fun, then get signed up. There will be an ADV RAid which has already started, but it’s probably not too late to join them en route before it’s over on Wednesday. (They also get access to the rally site a day early). Adventure Detours along the way to the RA Rally pre-mapped out coming from every direction. We’re planning to do one of these on our way to the rally. At the rally they’ll have a GS track set up. All of these activities are for points in the competition or just for fun. Regardless you have to register and sign a waiver before the event. There’s a women’s only ride on Friday. Hurry because there were a couple of spots still available as of Saturday.

For more information check out one of the following:

  1. GS Giants Facebook Page
  2. RA Rally Forum thread
  3. webpage

That is all. Have fun! GS Giants ADV

GS Giants Adventure RAid
