July 2021 Meeting Minutes

July 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Joe Hochderffer called the meeting to order at 1:10pm.

He thanked our host, Tom Wood BMW dealership for hosting the meeting and providing
space for us to gather.

Joe had everyone introduce and share a little bit about themselves, as a way for us to put
faces with our email conversations, and just plain getting to know each other better.
We had several new members present at the meeting and we are happy to meet you and welcome you into the club. Welcome!

Wayne Garrison presented upcoming events, rallies and camp outs. Wayne will email (if he hasn’t already) those event dates and places.

Joe recognized members, Galen for Photo Tag, Jay for Web site and Theresia for “bean counting”
during the last 16 months. A special “Thank you” for all that you do for the club.

Joe reminded the club that the Triathlons are not using officials and that this is not a form of
income for the club as it has been in the past.

Joe opened the floor for conversation about future meetings and meeting sites.
Suggestions were that we continue with monthly meetings and that members will be responsible for their own food and beverage. Members were encouraged to contact Joe if they would like to host a meeting.

Curt Schannen, dealership manager was invited to speak to the group about upcoming events. On August 20-22, 2021, Tom Wood motorsports is sponsoring BMW Heritage motorcycle display at the Metro Airport. They are also sponsoring the Miracle Ride on the weekend of August 28-29, 2021 and future plans for the 96th Street building.

Pete speaks to the group about the benefits of having a MOA membership. Please contact Pete,
Wayne or Joe for questions/concerns regarding the MOA.

All are welcome to gather for breakfast at 8:00, Lincoln Square Pancake House 2330 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis 46208 on Saturday mornings.

Joe thanked our host, asked if anyone had questions and adjourned the meeting at 1:55pm.
37 members were in attendance.

If you have any questions or comments please reply to this email.

Joe H.

Kelly Hochderffer