Daily Archives: November 2, 2018

2018 BMW MOA summer mileage contest end form

The 2018 BMW MOA summer mileage contest end form is in the latest issues of the MOA ON magazine.

If you are interested fill out the form, and you can drop it off at Shapiro either of the next two Saturdays. Also I will be at the shop on Nov 10 from 11 to 1. 

I will also collect the forms and send them all together as in the past.

Additional forms will be available at Shapiro 

The forms have to be postmarked by 11-15-2018.

I will mail them in on the 11-13-2018.


Any questions let me know.

Thanks Wayne


Another tough Saturday getting to Shapiro’s Deli


This will be another tough Saturday morning getting to Shapiro’s Deli for the BMW breakfast gathering.

The Monumental Marathon starts at Capital Ave. and W. Maryland St. at 8:00 AM. The route goes south to E. McCarty St. then east to Delaware St. and back north. So the only way to get to Shapiro’s will be from the south on Meridian St. Note, the route will close both the McCarty St. and Illinois St. exit ramps off of I-70.


To complicate things even more, the Donald is coming back to our fair city today for a rally at Southport High School on the south side. He’s spending the night at the J.W. Marriott, shutting down the roads in the area of West St., Washington St and Maryland St.


OMG what a mess!