June BMW monthly meeting minutes
The June meeting was held at Ray Skillman Classic Car in Greenwood on June 9, 2018. Greg Sickmeyer hosted the meeting and ordered Jockamos pizza.Club members pitched in with assorted side dishes, drinks and desserts.
Joe Hochderffer brought the meeting to order at 16:10. He thanked Greg for hosting and invited Greg to introduce Donnie Gardner to the club and thank him for His gracious hospitality. Joe reminded group that there will be no July meeting. Wayne Garrison is encouraging those who plan on attending the MOA in Iowa to let him know if you need tent space reserved. Galen Reinholt will be hosting the August meeting and details to come. Rich Nathan asked for volunteers to help out at the Triathlons in June, please let him know if you can help out, details on the website.
Joe adjourned the meeting at 16:19 and thanked out host on a spectacular location, special thank you to Greg and Donnie Gardner for rolling out the red carpet.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Hochderffer 6/17/2018 21:46