The Meeting was hosted by Steve and Irmi Burford at their home in Hancock County. President Margie Ledgerwood opened the business meeting at 5:25 by thanking them for hosting the meeting.
The following announcements were made to those in attendance:
Dues for 2018 are due by December 31. Those who pay the annual $25 fee on time will be eligible for a drawing for the same amount at the Awards Banquet to be held in February. Dues may be paid on the web site or directly to Theresia Shearer.
The Christmas Party/December meeting will be held on December 2 hosted by Archey and Theresia Shearer at their home in Plainfield. The party will be held from 5:00 PM till 9:00 PM. A White Elephant exchange will be held again this year.
We are looking for a host for the January meeting.
The Annual Banquet will be held on February 10 at Primo South, 2615 E. National Ave. Indianapolis. The cocktail hour is at 6:00 PM and dinner at 7:00 PM. You are encouraged to register and pay on the web site. Cost per person is $35:00. There will be a 50/50 drawing at the banquet. Additional door prizes are needed. If you know a vendor who will donate a gift, please help.
The web site calendar needs a new caretaker. After several years of support Doug Johnson is ready to turn over the responsibility.
Annual Mileage Award Chairperson Wayne Garrison is trying to get a rough count on the number of members eligible for a 10,000 mile award. Please contact Wayne if you are going to be eligible. Actual 2017mileage is not due to be reported till December 31.
There will be a Board of Directors and Officers meeting 1t 10:30 AM on December 9 at Shapiro’s.
November Birthdays for members were recognized.
After again thanking the Burford’s for hosting, President Ledgerwood adjourned the meetin at 5:40 PM.
Bob Conley, Secretary