Monthly Archives: June 2017

Free Gift Certificate for Hunt’s Lodge Motorcycle Campground and Cabins

A door prize that was given away at the 2017 Award Banquet has become available for club members.

The winner does not have time to get there this year.


It is a Give Certificate from the Hunt’s Lodge Motorcycle Campgrounds and Cabins.


Certificate expires February 11, 2017


Peggy and I stayed there last year and can speak very highly of the owner and facilities.


The gift certificate has a value of $110.00; this should be a two night’s stay in a cabin.


The lodge is just south of Telco Plains, Tn.


Please call to for reservations, and availability.


Hunt’s Lodge Motorcycle Campground – Home



If anyone is interested please contact me.

Wayne Garrison


June 2017 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Your Secretary was unable to attend this meeting due to a previously scheduled trip. These minutes were prepared from notes provided by President Margie Ledgerwood.

The meeting was hosted by Cindy and Webb Bernhardt. After lunch the meeting was called to order at 2:13 PM. Margie thanked Cindy and Webb for opening their home to host the meeting.  She announced that the August meeting will be hosted by Sam and Jay Beery on a date to be announced.  As is customary there will be no July meeting due to the conflict with the BMW-MOA’s annual rally to be held at Salt Lake City, UT. 

New members Peter and Helen Mikoliatis were recognized. Retreads, Margies words, Steve and Irmi Burford were recognized as well.
The following announcements were made:

–The Club will pay costs to the limits budgeted for a Tent for the use of members attending the rally. Vice President Wayne Garrison advised there are 13 members who have stated intent to attend the rally and that he has reserved 16 sites for tents in the group camping area.

–The BMW-RA rally will be held in Michigan this year on July 6-9. 

–The first two Triathlons will be held on June 10 at Eagle Creek and June 24 at Morse Park.  We should provide 3-5 volunteers for each race.  Please intact Rich Nathan to volunteer

–Mike Williams is the Adventure Riders Coordinator. Please check the club website for up coming adventure rides.
Club news:
Barb Shelley accepting visitors.  She’s at the lake Clear Vista Rehab at 82nd and I-69.
Johnathon Fishburn and Angela welcomed a baby girl at 1:12 am.  Baby girl is doing well, but no name yet. (secretary’s note, should we have a naming contest?)
Sam and Julie Smith offered a gift certificate for a free stay at the Hunts Motorcycle Campgrounds near Tellico Plains TN.  Wayne Garrison volunteered to take the certificate is no one else wanted it.  

President Ledgerwood thanked Cindy and Webb again, and adjourned the meeting at 2:27 PM.

Bob Conley, Secretary