Results of Website Survey


It has been more than a year and a half since we have had a new, interactive, website. I did this survey to see how members of the club viewed the functionality of the website. The questions and data follow with my commentary.

The overall response rate was 42 of 112 registered users or 37.5 percent. That is a very respectable response rate for a survey. However we know nothing about the desires of 62.5 percent of the club who did not respond.

When I was asked to take over the website nearly two years ago, I tried to talk the officers and board out of having a website. The existing website had little content and was not interactive. I suggested that members were using Yahoo and would likely not change.

I said if I took on the task, I would make a highly functional website that would automate the record keeping that is necessary for the operation of the club. I believe I have done that.

I have found I had to do a FAQ section that I have not had to do for any of my commercial clients. Commercial clients know what they want and learn how to use it. WordPress, the backbone of our website is considered one of the most easy to use of the Content Management Systems in existence. A CMS means that content is easily created by users and no longer has to pass through some person who magically knows how to do web stuff. However, members of this club were not creating content for a website because the previous technology did not allow it. Further, there was no real perceived need for an interactive website. The Website has had a relatively slow adoption curve but is being used by many people.

I have some suggestions based on these data which follow:
1. Continue the Yahoo discussion group. It is clear that many people prefer Yahoo over the Website for discussion.
2. Remove the Discussion plugin for the Website, based on item 1.
3. Continue to develop the website along the lines I have been developing it.
4. Continue to use the website for membership and monthly meeting record keeping.
5. Consider selling an ad(s) to cover the annual costs of the website and PayPal fees. Rather than putting a surcharge on the nearly three fourths of the club who want to pay by PayPal and making form development complex, cover those costs with a dealership ad.
6. Use the website for business of the club and not cross post to Yahoo. The website is where the official membership of the club resides, not Yahoo. Make a clear delineation of the functions of Yahoo and the Website, replicating information is a waste of time. These data show Facebook is not useful. Those that use it of course should continue to use it. But the Website and Yahoo should be the communication to the club members. Yahoo should be for personal discussion for those who choose to use it. Of course the relatively high percentage of the club who make personal information Posts on the Website should continue to do so. Website Posts are emailed members, which many members like. Business of the club should be Website only.

These are my suggestions and are certainly open for discussion at a future club meeting.

Submitted by Jim Brown

Data Analysis Follows:

Have you made a Post on the club website?

Made Post
   on the
 website?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
       No     22    52.38      22   52.38
      Yes     20    47.62      42  100.00
       N=     42

I was surprised to learn that 48 percent of respondents had made a post. I thought the percentage would be even lower but after a year and half of operation, I had hoped the percentage would be higher.

How difficult was it to make a Post?
1=Not Difficult            10=Very Difficult

  How difficult
to make a Post?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
              1      4    20.00       4   20.00
              2      1     5.00       5   25.00
              3      3    15.00       8   40.00
              4      4    20.00      12   60.00
              5      3    15.00      15   75.00
              6      1     5.00      16   80.00
              7      2    10.00      18   90.00
              8      1     5.00      19   95.00
              9      1     5.00      20  100.00
             N=     20
 Missing     *=     18

Twenty people responded to the question of how difficult it is to make a post. Seventy-five percent were in the easy to post half of the scale.

Do you want the option of paying for your annual dues 
and awards dinner by credit card?

option?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
     No     12    28.57      12   28.57
    Yes     30    71.43      42  100.00
     N=     42

Seventy one percent of respondents want the option of paying dues and fees via credit card. This option was a good one to implement.

Have you registered for a monthly club meeting using a 
calendar item on the website?

   Have you
for meeting  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
         No     17    40.48      17   40.48
        Yes     25    59.52      42  100.00
         N=     42

Using the website to register for a monthly meeting has significant advantages for the host of the meeting. The host can go to the calendar event at any time to see the total number registered. That number is necessary to properly plan food. Yet 40 percent of respondents do not offer the host that management information or, alternatively, do not attend monthly meetings.

How difficult was it to register for a meeting?
1=Not Difficult            10=Very Difficult

for meet  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
1      8    32.00       8   32.00
2      2     8.00      10   40.00
3      5    20.00      15   60.00
4      2     8.00      17   68.00
5      2     8.00      19   76.00
6      1     4.00      20   80.00
7      2     8.00      22   88.00
8      3    12.00      25  100.00
N=     25
*=     15

Of 25 people who responded to the question about difficulty of registering for a meeting, 76 percent were on the easy half of the scale.

Do you think it useful to have a mileage calculator 
on the website that would keep historic records of 
your mileage by bike and calculate annual totals?

calculator?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
No      9    21.43       9   21.43
Yes    33    78.57      42  100.00
N=     42

I have this half programmed. The other half is significantly more difficult. I will continue to pursue this but don’t look for it soon.

Have you looked at the annual top mileage listing on the website?

Seen top
listing?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
No      21    50.00      21   50.00
Yes     21    50.00      42  100.00
 N=     42

I have the over 10,000 people listed in rank order with a photo of the top mileage winner.

How useful is the annual mileage listing?
1=Not Useful              10=Very Useful

How useful
is mileage
listing?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
1       1     5.26       1    5.26
3       2    10.53       3   15.79
4       2    10.53       5   26.32
5       4    21.05       9   47.37
7       3    15.79      12   63.16
8       2    10.53      14   73.68
9       1     5.26      15   78.95
10      4    21.05      19  100.00
N=     19
*=     23

Enough people have found this feature useful (79 percent), I will continue to do it.

Have you emailed all registered members of the club using the website?

members of
website?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
No      32    76.19      32   76.19
Yes     10    23.81      42  100.00
N=      42

Very few people have used this feature. When a Post in made on the website, an automatic email is sent to registered members. Additionally, you can originate an email to all registered members of the club without making a Post. Check the FAQ on how to do it.

Have you looked at the FAQ section of the website?

at the
FAQ?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
No      15    35.71      15   35.71
Yes     27    64.29      42  100.00
N=      42

There is an extensive Frequently Asked Question section on the website. Thirty-six percent of respondents have not looked at it. It has step-by-step instructions on virtually everything you would want to do on the website.

Have you looked at the discussion section of the website?

section?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
No      14    33.33      14   33.33
Yes     28    66.67      42  100.00
N=      42

Although the discussion section has some technical advantages over Yahoo, and after looking at responses to other questions, it is clear it will not be used.

Would you like video interviews of club members 
who have ridden more than 100,000 documented miles?

of members
m  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
No      12    28.57      12   28.57
Yes     30    71.43      42  100.00
N=      42

If you have official recognition of having ridden 10,000 miles or more on a BMW, I will do a video interview for the website. I have two interviews in production now. Before the interview is scheduled, you must provide some photographs of your riding experience that can be used to provide visual variation to a talking head. I can scan actual prints or you can send me digital images.

Have you created a calendar item?

Created a
item   Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
No      36    85.71      36   85.71
Yes      6    14.29      42  100.00
N=      42

Creating a calendar item is very easy to do yet only 14 percent of respondents have done so. This website is a Content Management System, which means content creation is decentralized. You don’t need a web guru to make posts for you or create calendar items for you. Check the FAQ on how to do it. Doug Johnson will make calendar posts for monthly meetings since we believe that the monthly hosts have enough to do and there is added complexity with the signup form that is unique to the meeting. For notifying members of your favorite rally, learn how to make a calendar item yourself.

Have you made a Post via your smartphone?

Made a Post
via your
smartphone  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
No      38    90.48      38   90.48
Yes      4     9.52      42  100.00
N=      42

I really expected more than 10 percent of the club to Post a picture while on a ride. There is a one-time setup that may take 15 minutes but after that, just address an email from your phone to the unique-to-you email address, include a photo, and your email will be a Post on the website. Every registered member will receive an email about the post. It is a quick and easy way to keep others notified of good roads, restaurants, etc. as you ride.  Check the FAQ if you want to do this.

What is your top preference for club business information and discussion?

for club
business?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
Facebook      2     4.76       2    4.76
Website      26    61.90      28   66.67
Yahoo        14    33.33      42  100.00
N=           42

Sixty-two percent of respondents want to use the website for club business. Those who wrote open-end comments are listed below under the subheads of Facebook, Website and Yahoo.

What are your reasons for your club business information and discussion choice?

Note: Respondent numbers below are not necessarily the same people but simply the responses listed in order. For example, R1 under Facebook is not necessarily R1 under Website or Yahoo.

R1: I understand Facebook.  Don’t get the website.

R2: Simplicity of use.

R1: This website offers for options for a complete club focus and functionality

R2: We need one site to avoid confusion and incomplete member notification.  The website covers all needs, and while perhaps requiring a little training, it really is not unfriendly for basic uses.

R3: I don’t do Facebook or Yahoo.

R4: I think it would be a better record keeping as well as reference available to all members.

R5: Don’t like Facebook that well.

R6: I just don’t have time to sort thru the bologna on Facebook, or other media like twitter.

R7: blog feature, archive character of site, and outreach to potential members

R8: I find the club website a very easy way to share motorcycle related information.

R9: Club ‘business’ should be on a restricted entry site.  If you were to go with a public site, then public comments would follow.  Members only should be able to see club info.

R10: I don’t do facebook.  I communicate primarily via email, is that yahoo?  I am answering the question below assuming that email is yahoo.
R11: N/A

R12: Too much info on Facebook or Yahoo I want to see it easily

R13: I am not proficient about facebook or yahoo

R14: Yahoo is easy, but not perfect.  I would prefer the website if it were easier.

R15: only way I know ti find

R1: History, that’s the way we been doing it for a long time.

R2: i prefer receiving email to having to go to a web site for information.

R3: Can print our emails easier for Brian to have.

R4: I check email multiple times during the day and when I am on the go so delivery to my inbox is the most direct route.  I wonder if all email could also be delivered to a file on the website for long term archiving?  I like having club documents (like bylaws and mileage) stored on the website.

R5: There was not an option to pick email

R6: My favorite choice is by email.   That was not an option

R7: Timely alert of a message, ease of use, less logging in and fewer passwords to remember.

R8: Yahoo is at this time pretty near all-inclusive. As it appears very few would see it on the website. A select few would see it on Facebook. But everyone sees in in the email inbox. Unfortunate but “that’s a fact Jack.” And it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

R9: easier to send & receive via email.  No passwords no logging In

R10: email (guess it goes through yahoo groups)… can use it from my smart phone.. quick and easy to send out a message or comment to the whole group when not in front of my computer (which is mostly at work)

What is your top preference for personal information and discussion?

for personal
informa  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
Facebook      5    11.90       5   11.90
Website      16    38.10      21   50.00
Yahoo        21    50.00      42  100.00
      N=     42

Fifty percent of respondents prefer Yahoo for personal discussion and discussion and 38 percent prefer the website. Those who wrote open-end responses are listed below under the subheads of Facebook, Website and Yahoo.

What are your reasons for your personal information and discussion choice?

Note: Respondent numbers below are not necessarily the same people but simply the responses listed in order. For example, R1 under Facebook is not necessarily R1 under Website or Yahoo.

R1: Top preference for personal info….not on ANY electronic media.  Discussions….FB.  Many comments and member entries from friends.

R1: We need one site to avoid confusion and incomplete member notification.  The website covers all needs, and while perhaps requiring a little training, it really is not unfriendly for basic uses.

R2: I don’t do Facebook or Yahoo.

R3: N/A

R4: Too much info on Facebook or Yahoo I want to see it easily. I like to see the running discussions.

R5: don’t know how to access.

Overall, how useful is it for the club to have a website?
1=Not Useful              10=Very Useful

How useful
is website?  Count  Percent  CumCnt  CumPct
2      2     4.76       2    4.76
4      1     2.38       3    7.14
5      2     4.76       5   11.90
6      5    11.90      10   23.81
7      1     2.38      11   26.19
8      9    21.43      20   47.62
9      7    16.67      27   64.29
10     15    35.71      42  100.00
N=     42

About 24 percent feel the website is not useful.

Additional Comments
R1: We should have only ongoing official place to interact with a significant functionality.

R2: It’s time to kill the yahoo groups. You can’t have both. Time to learn and use new tools!!

R3: Many thanks to ALL the work and hours that Mr. Brown has put into creating a great website for our club.  We are fortunate to have him as a member, and as an interested and knowledgeable resource.

R4: I tried to post something for all to read and it didn’t show up on the main page.  It was explained to me how to do this but I am not proficient with the toolbar that shows up at the top do the page.  But overall, I really like the web page.

R5: I primarily get info from post that come to my email. I don’t visit the website regularly. I should there is a lot there, just been too busy with work. I appreciate the availability of drawing on the expertise of the people in the club, and doing research when I need to.