Monthly Archives: December 2013

Awards Banquet Slide Show

Dear Friends and Mr. O:

You are encouraged to submit e-photo’s for inclusion in the traditional “slide show” to be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet of the Club.  These photo’s should depict riding activities, club activities and any motorad related scenes of interest.   Continue reading

Oklahoma Panhandle and Eastern New Mexico

The vast emptiness of the Oklahoma Panhandle is quite amazing.  The only thing the picture doesn’t show is how hard the wind blows in Oklahoma.  This picture was taken on highways 64 & 412 west of Guymon, OK.


The foot hills near Springer, New Mexico are a welcome sight after riding through southwest Kansas and the panhandle.



Results of Website Survey


It has been more than a year and a half since we have had a new, interactive, website. I did this survey to see how members of the club viewed the functionality of the website. The questions and data follow with my commentary.

The overall response rate was 42 of 112 registered users or 37.5 percent. That is a very respectable response rate for a survey. However we know nothing about the desires of 62.5 percent of the club who did not respond. Continue reading