Monthly Archives: September 2013

Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher


The folks in Hannibal, Missouri saw Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher revived earlier this summer. From reading the books that Mark Twain wrote, I had thought Becky Thatcher was prettier than she actually is.

Youngest Rider Award

Rachel Nelson, Rick’s daughter, won the youngest rider award at the Beemers in tIMAG0244he Bluegrass Rally last weekend.

She rode a new-to-her 2007 F650 GS from Weston, West Virginia to the rally a little over 300 miles one way. She’s been riding about 2 months.  Dad is very proud.

US-36 “Shortest Route Indianapolis to Denver”

The Shortest Route Indianapolis to Denver

The Shortest Route Indianapolis to Denver

As some of you know, taking the advice of Indianapolis BMW Club members almost always works out well. Many spoke highly of  US-36 so I decided to give it a try on my recent trek to Colorado. This sign popped up along the way. Not at all sure how it got there. Maybe some club members placed it there?
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Lake Michigan

Enjoy our ride along Lake Michigan with us – those were Harley riders who had to stop and ask for directions…

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