Daily Archives: May 11, 2013

2013 MOA Mileage Contest Last Update

Good afternoon,

Well I have now collected 6 more forms so I can now account for 41 members who are ” in for the 2013 MOA Contest, All forms must be post marked no later than May 13, 2013, As I mentioned at the meeting today its not too late, The following are members who have participated in the past but I have not heard from at this point. Dave Bernhardt, Steve Wray, MIke Williams, John Rode, George Nolan, Dave Klym, John Danklesen and John Brase . So if you have a chance to drop me a note, or mail your form in to MOA let me know, Its about participation, not miles,

Thanks Rick Rick and Mona rollin out of Tn

May 11, 2013 – Minutes of Monthly Meeting

May 11, 2013, Monthly Meeting Minutes

President Margie Ledgerwood called the meeting to order at 1:50 PM.

Margie extended thanks to Jack Borsos and Racer Parts Wholesale for hosting the meeting.  There were approximately 40 members in attendance.

The new members and quests in attendance were asked to introduce themselves.

Margie announced that Bill and Sue Currier would host the June meeting on Sunday June 30, 2013. Continue reading

Cash sits a while


Nate Cash decides to sit while talking to Steve Wray. It’s moments like this when you wish there was no camera around. We have all had them.