November 2017 Monthly Meeting Minutes

The November 2017 meeting was hosted by Kelly and Joe Hochderffer at Roselli’s Pizza Parlor, Zionsville. 

President Margie Ledgerwood opened the meeting at 3:00 PM. After thanking Joe and Kelly for hosting the meeting guests and new members introduced themselves. This included Joshua, the baritone, Jim the base, and Dave the sport touring guy. Welcome!Margie made the following announcements:

The next meeting will be hosted by the Burford’s on November 11 at 4:00PM in their home near Greenfield. Please register on the web site or call if you plan to attend.

The Christmas Party Meeting will be held on December 2, hosted by the Shearer’s at their home in Plainfield. 

The Annual Awards Banquet will be held in February at Primo’s South.  The fee is $35.00 per person again this year.  

Annual dues, $25.00 are to be paid by January 1.  There will be a drawing at the banquet to include all those who pay their dues on time.

A club swap meet has been arranged by Wayne Garrison. It will be held on November 4 on the lot North of Shapiro’s Deli from 11:00 AM till 1:00 PM.

Prospective 10,000 mile award winners for 2017 should contact Wayne Garrison so he can estimate the number of awards to procure.

President Ledgerwood adjourned the meeting at 3:15 PM.  A rousing song which was not recognized by the secretary was sung to commemorate her birthday.

Robert Conley, Secretary