Election of new Club Directors

To all Club Members,

Nominate(s), and/or self-nominate, for a new director positions are now being accepted. Please contact a  nomination committee member should you want to nominate or self-nominate for a director position. Nominates who are willing to serve will be selected by club member vote at the January or March club meeting. Which meeting will be posted by the first of the year.

Nominating Committee Members:

Lina Rifai at  lina.rifai@gmail.com

Joe Hochderffer at joebmw7711@yahoo.com

Wayne Garrison at wgwhiterabbit@sbcglobal.net

Dennis Shelley at dashelley@sbcglobal.net

One of the nomination committee members will contact and confirm all who are nominated that they are willing to serve as a director if elected. Information about director duties can be found on the Club website under OFFICERS, then BOARD, then BYLAWS

posted by nomination committee chair, Dennis Shelley