October 19, 2013 – Monthly Meeting Minutes

The October 2013 Monthly Meeting Minutes was held at the home of Harold Patterson.  The meeting was attended by approximately 30 club members.  A great pitch-in dinner including main courses of fried chicken and venison burgers was enjoyed by all. 

The business meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by President Margie Ledgerwood. Margie encouraged the posting of stories pertaining to trips and rallies on the club web-site for the enjoyment of all.

President Ledgerwood related that no host has volunteered to host a November meeting and stated that anyone who wanted to host the meeting should contact her.

Rick Nelson’s guest, his granddaughter Eliza was recognized and welcomed to the meeting.

Margie thanked Harold for hosting the meeting on behalf of all those attending and closed the business meeting.

After the meeting several attendees enjoyed a bonfire under a full moon. Bevo, Mike Williams Chesapeake Retriever provided entertainment for Eliza and Ms. Tolliver exhibiting his tenacious retrieving skill.

Bob Conley, Secretary