June 30, 2013- Monthly Meeting Minutes

BMW Motorcycle Club of Indianapolis

June 30, 2013- Monthly Meeting Minutes


Sue and Bill Currier hosted the meeting.  President Margie Ledgerwood called the meeting to order at 3:10 PM and she welcomed new members Trent Dedour, and Perry McCarty and Trent’s girlfriend, Stacy.

It was announced that there would be no monthly meeting in July, as is the custom due to the date of the MOA national rally, which will be held in Salem, OR.  (Past President Rick Nelson, and Deb Lower, Co-Chairs)

Also announced was the August 11, meeting date hosted by Barry and Carla Wade.

No hosts have volunteered as of yet to host meetings in September and November.

Guests enjoyed lunch including the pulled pork entrée. Margie thanked Sue and Bill for hosting the event.  The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.

These minutes were prepared in absentia.

Bob Conley, Secretary