Daily Archives: April 25, 2013

Rick Nelson named MOA Key Volunteer

Rick Nelson, BMW Club of Indianapolis.

Rick Nelson has been named one of only five Key Volunteers for 2012 by BMW Motorcycle Owners of America. “I was very surprised when I opened my mail,” he said. While he was surprised those of us who have been around him for any length of time are not. He is always willing to help on a project with his expertise and labor.

The award came with a key and a framable certificate. “I don’t have room in my trailer to hang this,” bemoaned Rick. Helpful friends at our coffee group suggested that he frame the certificate with a hi-viz orange frame and wear it on his back while riding. It would be a safety device that encourages volunteerism.

Note the enormous key under the fingers on his right hand. The MOA key is engraved with his name.

Congratulations Rick for this distinctive national honor.

April 20, 2013, Monthly Meeting Minutes

April 20, 2013, Monthly Meeting Minutes

President Margie Ledgerwood called the meeting to order at 2:20 PM.

Margie extended thanks to Theresia and Archey Shearer for hosting the meeting.  There were approximately 30 members in attendance.

The new members in attendance were asked to introduce themselves.

Margie announced that a flea market-swap meet will be scheduled for this summer at Falcone Motorsports.  The club will not run a hot dog stand during the event as in the past.

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