Judy Pearson wins two Silver Awards in Skiing competition

Judy Pearson, BMW Motorcycle Club of Indianapolis.

Congratulations to Judy Pearson for winning two Silver Medals in a Skiing competition in Keystone, Colo. last month. I had understood from Wayne Garrison that she had won a motorcycle race. So as I was talking to her about her wins, she kept mentioning skiing and that she was only 8.2 seconds behind Lindsey Vonn and I kept trying to keep her on track to talk about her motorcycle wins. I thought Vonn had turned to motorcycle racing while trying to deal with Tiger Woods and her broken leg. But that didn’t make much sense either. When I finally figured out my mistake, what Judy was talking about made much more sense and we all had a big laugh.

She is wearing one of the medals. If you look at it in sunlight, you had better wear sunglasses.

So Judy is the club’s hot shot skier. If she points her skis at you, get out of the way.

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